vacuum leak

英 [ˈvækjuːm liːk] 美 [ˈvækjuːm liːk]

网络  真空泄漏



  1. According to the requirement of small satellite vacuum leak detection, a set of vacuum leak detection equipment is developed.
  2. Summary on reason of aluminum alloy panel radiator by vacuum brazing leak out
  3. The presented evaluation method may provide a reference for evaluating the uncertainty about the total leak rate method of spacecraft and vacuum leak testing method.
  4. If the refrigerant system fails to reach the specified vacuum, the system has a leak that must be correcteSee Refrigerant System Leaks in this group.
  5. If the vacuum drops within approx.30 seconds, there is a leak in the coolant circuit.
  6. If the vacuum drops, fix the leak in the system.
  7. Design and optimization of vacuum chamber for leak detection of ITER conductor
  8. The Alcatel Vacuum Technology product-range includes vacuum pumps, leak detectors, vacuum gauges, plasma sensors, valves, flanges and fitting.
  9. Vacuum Leak age Detection of the Special Equipment in the Semiconductor Production
  10. And we found out that the major causes of vacuum leak lied in a leakage in the low-pressure explosion-proof door, a bigger low-pressure vapor seal radial clearance, and the low tightness of the cylinder.
  11. The Development of the Vacuum Leak Detection Equipment for Small Satellite
  12. The Data Acquisition System of Vacuum Leak Equipment
  13. It is Introduced the principle and method of vacuum leak age detection of the special equipment in the semiconductor production and the experience on solving practice problems with the method.
  14. Application of oil-free vacuum leak detection system in space environment simulation test
  15. Vacuum vessel seal structure used in the leak test of a liquid rocket engine turbopump is discussed.
  16. This paper describes the structure, performance and sealing mechanism of feed-in device of rotary shaft vacuum seal by using a new magnetic material magnetic fluid as sealing medium, and gives the measured data of the vacuum and the leak rate.
  17. According to the gas dynamics and the technique of quadruple mass spectrometry ( QMS), a method for measuring large device vacuum leak rate is put forward.
  18. The calibration apparatus of comparison leak rate method is a metrology standard apparatus for gas leak rate. The vacuum leak can be calibrated with the absolute comparison method and the relative comparison method.
  19. The spectra excited in a Penning ionization gauge can be used for quick monitoring the pressure in a vacuum system and for leak detection.
  20. Application of quadrupole mass spectrometer in vacuum leak detection
  21. A sniffer with a vacuum cover-helium leak detector set was developed for pressured vessels detection and some vacuum pumping sets suitable for pumping huge water vapor were developed also.
  22. A Research of the Causes of the Vacuum Leak in Steam Turbine and of Measures of Improvement
  23. In this paper, the performance of the airtightness for vacuum coating equipment, the characteristics of leak detection with Helium Mass-spectrometer and the leak detection system are described.
  24. The paper describes in detail the hardware network of the vacuum leak test system and the data acquisition software.
  25. The problems of the vacuum and its leak check are studied.
  26. Study on method of calibrating vacuum leak with constant conductance method
  27. Research on Freeze Drying Plant Lay plate of Both Vacuum Leak Detection Technology
  28. The Study of Superlong Delay and Holding Time Characteristics of The Detectable Gas through Vacuum Mixing Leak